Ride: Pinaus Lake Area - Westside Road to Hwy 97 near Westwold

Westside Road, Six Mile Creek Road, McGregor-Siwash FSR, Equesis Creek FSR, Pinaus Lake FSR, Pinaus Lake Road, Will Lake FSR, Ingram Creek FSR / Ingram FSR, Hwy 97. Side trips to Little Pinaus Lake, Square Lake, Pinaus Lake. About 52 km.

Last Ridden: Sept 24, 2024
Province: BC
Region: North Okanagan
Route Type: Forest Service Road, gravel backroad, dirt road, rough road
Riding Surface: dirt (70%), gravel (30%)
Suitable For: dual sport, adventure bike, dirt bike (FSRs if insured)
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A very enjoyable ride for the most part. The main roads are in pretty good condition, but there are some mildly challenging sections and a few hazards (McGregor-Siwash FSR). It varies from wide level gravel road, to winding double track with potholes, shallow ditches, small ruts on some of the hills, minor rougher sections, potentially muddy sections with wide puddles, to narrow winding dirt road and then back to gravel. Except for a few short sections mentioned below, there are only gradual elevation changes. A really enjoyable ride on a warm fall day.

Part of this route was not accessible in 2022 and 2023 due to the White Rock Lake fire in 2021. From the posted BC government maps, it looks like the fire was mostly contained to the south of the route with the exception of part of the Six Mile Creek Road section. It looks like McGregor-Siwash FSR formed a part of the boundary of the motor vehicle exclusion zone for this burned region. Pinaus Lake was outside the exclusion zone. Motor Vehicle Prohibitions Info

Six Mile Creek Road starts out paved, but soon becomes coarse loose gravel. You don't have to travel far before you see evidence of the wildfire that burned through the area. McGregor Creek FSR is on the right about 10 km from Westside Road. Ride up McGregor Creek FSR a very short distance (a few hundred meters or so) and then turn right onto McGregor-Siwash FSR.

The first km or so of McGregor-Siwash FSR travels through or adjacent to burned areas, but after that the road travels through untouched (by fire) forest. The section of McGregor-Siwash FSR from about 5 km in to about 10 km in (heading west) has been impacted by the Equesis Creek: in four places the bank below the road has been cut (eroded) by the creek. The first two locations, which are close together, are the more serious ones, and I'm not sure how much longer that they will be passable (not safe for ATVs now). The creek has also washed out a culvert, so you'll need to ride through it; the depth was about 15 to 30 cm when I crossed, and there are dirt banks on either side, but they are not that steep or high. Another section of trail was overflowing with shallow creek water, but it looks like the road base here was built up with crushed rock. There is a bypass route, but previously it was not publicly accessible (gated); I don't know if this alternate route has been opened (see below). Except for the hazards mentioned, it's a great ride through the forest along a narrow winding road. Expect some puddles and mud unless it's been hot and dry for an extended period of time. At some point McGregor-Siwash FSR becomes Equesis Creek FSR and then Pinaus Lake FSR.

Eventually you come to a junction with signs posted. To the right the main route continues on towards Pinaus Lake. To the left is the road to Little Pinaus Lake. The ride into Little Pinaus Lake isn't too difficult. There are some moderately steeper sections of road with some small rocks, but the traction was good when I rode it last. There were no major ruts or obstacles. Most of the road is quite smooth and pleasant to ride as it winds through the forest. There is one main fork in the road; the left fork goes to the lake. I only went a short distance down the right fork before turning around (it's rougher). There is a small recreation site at Little Pinaus Lake with water access.

Just beyond the turnoff to Little Pinaus Lake, the Pinaus Lake FSR winds up a long (300 - 400 m) moderately steep hill with some ruts, ditches and small rocks with some tight turns until intersecting with the power line. After that the rest of the route is pretty easy and the road looks to be maintained to some extent. Expect muddy sections early in the season or after heavy rains. There are some nice views including of Pinaus Lake. There is an easily accessible (close to the FSR) recreation site at Pinaus Lake with several campsites and limited lake access (boat launch). Apparently, there is a second BC Recreation site on the east end of Pinaus Lake, but I haven't been to it. At some point the name of the road becomes Pinaus Lake Road. Further west it becomes Will Lake FSR. Will Lake is situated next to it up the hill from Pinaus Lake and about 5 km from Pinaus Lake Recreation Site.

A short distance past Will Lake, follow the main road going to the left. Will Lake FSR is a wide dirt road with some shallow ruts created by other vehicles traveling when the road was muddy. The route follows Will Lake FSR and then onto Ingram Creek FSR. Ingram Creek FSR / Ingram FSR is gravel and descends to the valley bottom and Hwy 97 the east side of Westwold.

I didn't ride into Square Lake on my most recent (Sept 2024) ride.

From 2012 ride:

0 km - Vernon Chevron
15.0 km - Hwy 97 and Westside Road
28.8 km - Six Mile Creek Road and Westside Road at gas station / store (burned down in the White Rock Lake fire in 2021)
Six Mile Creek Road: loose gravel on hard base; travels thru Indian Reserve and past ranches
39.0 km - "No Thru Road" sign and arrow pointing the way to Pinaus Lake (left) where road forks. Left fork = McGregor FSR = route you have to take now; I went right the first time as follows below
41 km (approx.) - open gate; road looks like a driveway and runs between a house and some farm buildings; looks private, but I didn't notice any signs prohibiting public access. [Update July 22, 2014: The gate was closed and there is now a private property sign posted; use McGregor FSR now.] - road has become nice double track running in and out of the trees and along a fence line
44.0 km - barbed wire fence gate; not locked; looks like there was a sign posted there, but any wording has weathered away
48.8 km - road forks: left to Little Pinaus Lake; right = Pinaus Lake FSR to Pinaus Lake - one sloped section of road, maybe .3 - .4 km long with small, loose rocks - might be a bit challenging for newer riders or those on adventure bikes with more street-oriented tires
51.2 km - Little Pinaus Lake Recreation Site
52.0 km - turn around as road has become rough, rutted and muddy
55.2 km - back at fork - head up (west) on Pinaus Lake FSR
58.2 km - turn off to Square Lake on right
58.9 km - Square Lake boat launching site
59.4 km - turn around at Square Lake
60.6 km - back on Pinaus Lake FSR
64.0 km - turn off to Pinaus Lake Recreation Site
64.3 km - Pinaus Lake Recreation Site. From this point west, the road is called Pinaus Lake Road
69.6 km - Will Lake on side of Pinaus Lake Road; road has become very smooth - a bit further on (west) the road forks; the main road goes to the left (I recommend that you go that way); the first time here I went right (sign indicates that the right fork is Tut Road although Backroad Mapbooks indicates that the right fork is Pinaus Lake Road. This route becomes very rough with round, loose rocks, ruts and some steep sections. The road is in poor condition with pronounced erosion. Not recommended, especially for newer riders or those on heavier bikes or those with more street-oriented tires (as opposed to DOT knobbies). This route should not be a problem for more experienced riders on more off-road oriented dual sport bikes.
76.2 km - Hwy 97, Westwold
86.6 km - downtown Falkland
116.2 - Hwy 97 and Westside Road
Distances are approximate and taken from my odometer.

Taking McGregor-Siwash FSR, instead of heading through the gate at 41 km (above), adds about 2 km to the route. McGregor-Siwash FSR is rougher (and potentially muddier) than the route through the gate and farm. .

End of 2012 ride info

The main access road to Pinaus Lake is well marked where it meets Hwy 97 on the east side of Westwold.

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