2020 Kawasaki KLX140 Air Filter Service - Page 3
14. Once the air filter is dry, you can re-oil it. Follow the instructions on the air filter oil container. Generally, you either spray, or pour the air filter oil (or motor oil) onto the foam air filter evenly and thoroughly (or soak the filter in the oil), and then work the filter oil (or motor oil) into the foam by massaging the filter. Don't leave any dry spots. You can wear gloves or put the air filter in a clean zip-lock bag to keep your hands clean. Ensure that all the foam is well coated. If you used a large amount of filter oil (or motor oil), try to squeeze out the excess (again, don't wring-out or twist the filter).

15. Install the air filter frame into the air filter element. Be careful not to tear the foam.

16. Apply a layer of the appropriate type of grease (general purpose grease if using motor oil or oil-base filter oil, otherwise, a special "grease" suitable for the type of air filter "oil" being used) to the air box where the foam air filter makes contact with it to seal against dirt making its way past. You can put grease on the sealing surface of the air filter as well.

17. Install the air filter into the air box. You need to carefully position the air filter correctly so that it seats against the flat surface of the air box. Once positioned correctly, insert and screw-in the previously cleaned wing bolt with the black plastic retainer/washer, and tighten securely (hand tight, don't use tools).

18. Install the air box cover. Ensure that the seal is in place. There are 4 bolts (8 mm head). Insert and tighten the bolts (don't use excessive force).

20. Install the left side cover (top edge first). There is a single 8 mm head bolt and a rubber grommet. Do not over-tighten the bolt.

All done!
